This past weekend was full of memories. We met with my three remaining brothers and my sister and their spouses at a restaurant in Richmond and had a nice visit. I hardly ever see my brothers as we live a good distance apart.
Here we all are. My sister, Joanne, who has been the best sister ever, stands beside me. My baby brother, David, stands right behind me. He's still a brat. My brother, Andy is in the middle and looks the most like my dad and grandfather and my brother, Fred is on the right. None of us look alike. That is why when I was little I use to think I was adopted because I didn't look like anyone in my family. I really did. I use to look for adoption papers to see if my parents were hiding something from me. My aunt, who was also at the reunion says I look exactly like my mother. That makes me feel good.
This is my sister-in-law, Carroll, who was married to my brother, Jack, who passed away a few years ago. Beside her is my Aunt Suzanne. I always thought she was an angel. Look at her halo! She kept saying how much I look like my mother, her oldest sister.
This is my sister-in-law Debbie. She and my brother, David go geo-cacheing all the time and have found over 2900 of them all over the United State and Canada. Have you ever gone geo-cacheing? Our son, Jason, took us looking for some and it is alot of fun. Debbie and David are pros at it.
We all had a nice visit and my brother Fred gave us all homemade soap he had made. David and I invited everyone to our house next summer for a reunion and to celebrate our 45th wedding anniversary. Have to tell my family about things far in advance as they are all so busy and schedules fill up fast.
After we parted, David and I took off for my hometown where I grew up. We went to this museum that use to be someone's home years ago. I always liked this house when I was growing up and wanted to live in it. I always thought it was one of the prettiest houses in our town. So many things in the museum brought back so many memories of when we were in school and how our little town of 400 was years ago. I didn't know the song, "Beyond the Sunset," was written by someone from Greens Fork. There were so many interesting things to look at.
This is David's mother's cheerleading outfit from the forties when she was in junior high. Long sleeves and a long corduroy skirt. Mustn't show too much skin, you know. I think she sewed this outfit herself.
This is her school binder with names of friends written all over it. David's dad's name is on there several times. Girls haven't changed much have they? I remember writing David's name all over my binder when I was in school.
This is my sister. She was so pretty and was popular and I wanted to be just like her.
Beside the museum was a pretty memorial garden. There were bricks with some of the townspeople's names engraved on them. There was a gazebo with rattan chairs and it was so nice to sit there and just soak in all that we had seen so far. There has been alot of work to make this garden and it shows. So very pretty.
This sweet girl, Jayne, and her mother(who would not let me put her picture here) run the museum and do a great job, I must say. I've known Jayne since she was a wee girl. I may have even babysat her at some time as I seemed to have babysat just about all the children in Greens Fork when I was a teen-ager.
See those windows behind that tree on the second story of that building? That is where David and I first started housekeeping. Our very first apartment after we were married. My sister starched and ironed some beautiful priscilla organdy curtains for us and they hung in the front window. We had bought some new furniture and we thought we were really something. I loved cleaning my new apartment. I felt so grown up even though I had just turned nineteen a few months before. The apartment was right across from a gas station and above a restaurant that had pinball machines where we spent alot of evenings playing.

A couple of buildings down from our apartment was the barbershop. Kind of reminds you of Floyd's doesnt' it? When I was a little girl, my Uncle Russell was the barber and he was the one who cut my hair. I always had a dutchboy bob until I got too old and wouldn't let him cut it anymore. If you think women gossip, you ought to sit in a barbershop once in a while. I use to take our boys to this same shop and everyone who passed by was talked about. Kind of wondered what they said about me when I went by.
Our town had a grocery store, a hardware store, an insurance agency, a soda shop called Shorty's, a restaurant and a post office. Everything you needed was right there. As we lived in the country, coming into town was big stuff for us.
We drove out to my old homestead and I took this picture of the barn where I spent many hours playing with kittens in the haymow. It has fallen in disrepair which make me sad, but I will always have the memories of all the animals that lived under its roof and the basketball goal where I practiced shooting until I could make 100 free throws.
I have so much more to tell, but that will be for another day. Happy memories. Bye.